Fair Gaming In Danville, Va.- A T. I. Testimony

In the local Danville area, I have found that they are indeed illegally Fair-Gaming people, myself included. It is literal murder and it is unfair since Fair Game was discontinued in 1968 by Ron Hubbard. So why are they allowing this to go on?

I have been tortured to death! They have even claimed to have their own crematorium. Who wants to die in something like this. I am not even a member of Scientology but they claim that I am being evicted from something. How can you be evicted from something that you were never a part of? It is hard to understand why this is happening to me. But obviously, I am not the only one that it is happening to. There have been complaints all over the world. This has really gone too far.

From the website…

Dealing with Critics of Scientology – The L. Ron Hubbard Playbook


About mstmha

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